This week's giveaway from OnlineLabels.com is craftastic!
Anyone who has ordered our printable packages knows that each complete collection includes a sheet with instructions on how to print our designs.
Many of these designs work wonderfully when printed on label sheets. For example, included in our "I Heart Valentine's Day" collection are drink wraps, lollipop covers, mini candy bar wrappers, Hershey's Kisses labels, personalized labels, and blank labels and logos (among other designs).
When we wrap a drink bottle or a mini candy bar we find that using label paper works the best.
Our "go to" supplier for labels is OnlineLabels.com .
Wait until you read what they are giving away to five (5) lucky winners! But, before we get to the prizes, take a peak below at The "I Heart Valentine's Day" Design Collection and the printables that are included with purchase. You'll see why we (and you) will love OnlineLabels.com!
(We used the 8.5x11 Glossy Inkjet Sticker paper below!)
We HEART Onlinelabels.com

Giveaway Description:
Grand Prize
Runner Ups
(Three winners): 100 Sheets of any size label or material (standard items only, no custom layouts)
(One winner): One year of free access to the Maestro Label Designer
Get sticky with it!

First Way To Enter
(**Must leave a comment here telling us you did this step to enter)For Additional Entries* (Not required, but will increase your chance of winning!)
• Leave a testimonial for OnlineLabels.com here
• “Like” Anders Ruff Custom Designs on Facebook• Share this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter
{*For each additional entry, please leave a comment below indicating which additional step(s) you completed. We will check if you win!}
Winners will be chosen via Random.org on Friday, February 11, at 1:00 PM ET
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I am a huge fan of Online Labels! Love their Maestro software and the option to prefill the template. And they are reasonably priced too!
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I like Anders Ruff custom designs on fb
i have already purchased some kraft full sheet labels from them and LOVE!!!
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I LOVE Online Labels.com, my go to sticky people:)
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I like Anders Ruff on FB! :)
I like Anders Ruff on FB
I like OnlineLabels on FB :))
I like Online Labels on Facebook
I like Anders Ruff on Facebook too (duh :))
I follow Online Labels on Twitter too.
ps..they are located ~15 minutes away from me! LOVE THEM!
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I love 'sticky' paper. My husband says I have an addiction :)
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I love following Anders Ruff online AND now I'm also following OnlineLabels.com! I've also filled out the form. :)
I "like" OnlineLabels.com on FB.
So happy to find out about this source! I love the printables packages, but I never knew where to get the supplies! Yay!
I "like" online labels on FB
I already "Like" AndersRuff on FB! (That's how I found out about this contest!)
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I "Like" Anders Ruff on Facebook. - Traci - btleavitt5@gmail.com
I "Like" OnlineLabels of Facebook and filled out the form. - Traci - btleavitt5@gmail.com
I liked them on Fb and filed out the form. allison.winfield at yahoo.com
I follow them on twitter. @how_many_kids
allison.winfield at yahoo.com
I already like you on FB. Allison Winfield allison.winfield at yahoo.com
Tweeted about the giveaway. @how_many_kids allison.winfield at yahoo.com
I like onlinelabels on fb!!!
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Liked Online Labels and filled out the form!
I already Like AR on FB, and I like them so much!!
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Follow OnlineLabels on Twitter @hattiecora
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Liked online labels on FB
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now follow them on twitter
i like AndersRuff on fb
liked online labels & filled out the form
odebt at yahoo dot com
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like anders ruff on fb
I like online labels on FB (Sarah Bee)
sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
I like anders ruff on fb (Sarah Bee)
sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/jennysrushton/status/34246543108349952
Wow! This is one incredible giveaway!
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and I "like" onlinelabels on facebook, too!
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I've been a fb fan of Anders Ruff for a while now.
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Iliked online labels,
Liked you twittered online labels and filled in the form;)))
Yay! What an awesome source! I liked them on FB!
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and... Tweeted it....I really hope I win...;) thanks for the contest!
Oh man, I am in dire need of some custom stickers for my wedding. Fingers are crossed!
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I like Online Labels on Facebook
I like Anders Ruff on facebook!
I like them on facebook and would love to win!!
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I 'liked' onlinelabels.com on Facebook. :)
I would "LOVE" Anders Ruff on Facebook, but until they have that option, I have 'liked' you. :)
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I like Anders Ruff on FB!
I tweeted about this awesome giveaway!
I like OnlineLables.com on FB!
I like onlinelabels.com on Facebook! :)
Following onlinelabels.com on Twitter!
LIKE Anders Ruff on Facebook!!! Woud have "love" if I could tho! ;)
Just tweeted too!!! :D
I like Online Labels on FB and filled out the form.
I follow Online Labels on Twitter and filled out the form.
I'm in "like" with onlinelabels.com and am "following" them.
I already really, really "like" ARCD's.
Thanks for a sweet give away!
I "liked" online labels on facebook =)
I already like Anders Ruff on FB
I now like OnlineLabels on FB
I like onlinelabels.com on fb
I like ar on fb
I like Online Labels on Facebook and completed the form!
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hollymoeller@ hotmail.com
I already like AR on Facebook!
I liked " OnlineLabels.com " on facebook and also completed the form. ( Kaylie Nguyen)
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(Kaylie Nguyen on twitter)
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I “Like” Anders Ruff Custom Designs on Facebook ( Kaylie Nguyen)
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