We have been dying to tell you all the news! The owner of The Cupcake Social, a popular online shop that sells everything cupcake related, has asked us to be a guest designer for items to match her products. These printable design collections will be exclusive to The Cupcake Social's online store.

Great news for everyone! Jen is offering an exclusive discount to Anders Ruff clients. You will receive a 20% Discount at TheCupcakeSocial.com by entering coupon code: AndersRuff
Jen sent us a huge package of her products to help inspire the design collections. I can tell you that her products are top notch! She offers amazing, unique, bright and high quality cupcake liners. She also has everything from jimmies and sprinkles to cute bags for goodies.
We will be featuring lots of her products in our upcoming photo shoots. I would highly recommend her products - she has a huge assortment and for really great prices.

In celebration of the big collaboration, we are dedicating this week on the blog to The Cupcake Social. All week long we will be introducing the new designs that you can purchase at TheCupcakeSocial.com, along with a photo shoot featuring one of the collections.
Friday we will be announcing a giveaway from The Cupcake Social, so stay tuned!
We would love to hear feedback as we release each collection. At the end of the week we will have you vote for your favorite collection from "Anders Ruff for The Cupcake Social" as part of your giveaway entry.
Check out The Cupcake Social and leave us a comment with any suggestions for new design collections to match her liners! We love, love, love your ideas and feedback!
PS. Erin Heflin... you were onto us! Check your email for your prize. You get a $10 credit towards your next purchase from our shop!! We'll send you an email with the details...
I am SO SO SO excited, thank you for the honor of letting me sell your amazing exclusive designs in my shop. They are going to be beautiful ;)
This is amazing! I love cupcakes and have such a hard time find cute and unique cupcake liners! And of course I love Anders Ruff!!!
hard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me taiwow
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