I wanted to share a few of her recent posts that I love. These images are from Design Editor. I love browsing and finding images, ideas and designs that speak to me!
I am working on Pierson's big boy room (will be out of the crib soon!) and have had a tough time finding what I love. I want to do something really fun and unique, which means I will be devoting hours to sewing, painting, crafting and styling his room! (in my spare time)
I LOVE the image on the right, below. The whimsical whale collage wallpaper and the green together. Pierson's walls have chair rail molding 2/3 the way up right now, with wide boutique stripes below in 2 shades of blue. I am willing to paint over that if I can find this adorable wallpaper! Worst case, I might need to do an illustration and have it printed on a huge poster to frame to get the same effect....
(Images from The July/August issue of House Beautiful) It details a California bungalow designed by Krista Ewart. I LOVE it and I'm so glad I stumbled upon it!

See below - you can see the whale wallpaper in the back bedroom on the left - how cute!

Again, Pierson's room now has stripes that are about as wide as these, below.... but I LOVE how they designed them to go all the way to the ceiling in the bathroom below! That is one tough task - someone was good at geometry!

Another favorite post from Design Editor is her DIY posts....
This is an inspiration from Southern Living's feature on lamp designer Barbara Cosgrove. She photo copied images of family members to create her entryway montage. Design Editor shares a great find - IKEA sells a pack of four 4x6 glass and clips frames for 99 cents.

Catherine posted some photos of Madonna's home. A few of the photos stood out to me..
The post was by Hooked on Houses and the photos are from a May 2007 Architectural Digest article. (A fav magazine of our household!)

Catherine does some really fun projects and posts about them on her blog...
She put together some really simple typography with memorable and special dates and hung them over the beds in her guest room. Simplistic, customized (love how you can coordinate your colors), cheap! (She said the frames were from Walmart for <$10) I also love that it is a conversation starter. When a guest arrives and starts asking about the random numbers on the wall, you can get to story telling!

If you don't already have enough on your TO DO list, add this one to the tasks...
I have tons of baby cards, birthday cards and memorable things for my kids. They are all in nice fabric covered memory boxes, but not organized well at all.
THIS would be a great idea for me to get organized... what a great keepsake!
Next up - Meg Ryan's home... (GORGEOUS)...
Meg hired the design firm Satinwood, Ltd.
The peek is from Elle Decor and is Meg Ryan's new renovated beach house. (in Martha's Vineyard) Checkout Meg's design tips at elledecor.com.
Here is Catherine's original post.

Anyhow, lots more to post about.... you'll see me post some more ideas in upcoming weeks from Design Editor because I just love her posts!

LOVE the whale wallpaper! Please keep us all posted if you find anything like it! I am also gathering ideas for my son's "big boy room"!
Just posted a new blog entry about it....
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